tail between my legs
there's not really been any reason for me to be quiet apart from being ridiculously busy most days. glastonbury, moving+cleaning to make the landlord have a money orgasm of my deposit money, spending a few days in Taunton without the internet and today
which I have spent sleeping, largely. Apart from the ten minutes which I took out to watch Maury
I usually love Maury. He's never judgmental of the twats who are NOT the father of whatever illigetimate child popped out of the dirty prostitute spreading her crabs on his chairs
but that's kind of the problem. Maury is a breedingplace for misogyny. FEMINIST ALL OVER YOUR FACE because it's depressing how I can watch a tv show and just accept that every woman on there is a Whore or a Slut and, you know, those sort of labels are a bad thing. and the dad is almost always a bumhole. everyone's usually from the ghetto or the huge plains of America where condoms don't exist
and I can imagine the swathes of unemployed people judging everyone on their tv, worms wriggling around their cellulite as they don't realise that even though there are people more fucked up than them on tv
you know, sort your life out. pow.
today's Maury was a jolly holiday special. The audience had to guess whether the woman strutting around his stage are 'real' women or transgender. Or, as Maury kept asking-
WHAT IS IT?!?!?!?!
which is kind of insensitive, kind of anti-queer, kind of misogynistic, kind of simplistic, kind of disturbing, kind of zoo-like
all kinds of wrong, basically.
and it really doesn't warrant a whole hour long program
about people who want to be freaks
and want to be vilified
and torn to shreds
and objects.
I couldn't watch all of it. STILL. I was curious to see whether IT was a MAN OR A WOMAN?!?!?!?!?! so I Sky+ed it and I will watch it later
because I'm a huge hypocrite
because I am a bad person?
or, because I'm trying to care about something that I know I should care about but, shit, it's hard to care about this stuff sometimes
when it's thursday, and I'm sat on my ass doing nothing
you know, you know, you know,
I should be doing shit. not being slightly outraged by maury.
game of 40/40 in anyone?
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