messmess mess I like to make a mess
with my cheese and onion sandwich filler
I also need new music. I need to go on a binge of all of the bands who I probably should like/am going to see at Glastonbury.
I need to decide whether I like The Big Pink or not. I quite like their Dominoes song I think but this is what Spotify is for. True story, I was supposed to be in their video for 'Tonight' but I couldn't make it. It wasn't paid so I was hardly going to go out of my way for it.
but, errr the Big Pink. OK. My reaction is similar to that band that everyone liked a couple of years ago that sung about daddies. Glasvegas. People were properly cumming their pants about them so I went to see them in the Queen's Head on the Thursday and they were the grumpiest group of shits I've ever had the misfortune to see. Heads so far up their own arses that their heads were back on top of their shoulders stinking of shit. If that makes any sense.
If you want some original insults, ask Malcolm Tucker. He'll chuck in a few fuckityfucks for free.
I'm clearly not laddish enough for The Big Pink. SO. Not going to see them, please. If I want to feel like I'm at a football match I'll go to watch West Brom play against Grimsby Town instead. Except this would be like a football match with hipster type people who are there because Dazed did a piece on how cool The Big Pink are and it's cool to like them, or something, even though their music's shit.
I'm glad I gave them a listen. I would have been one of those people otherwise.
I'm also not looking forward to the amount of people wearing something ill-advisedly 'festival' from Topman/shop. Last year everyone wore black fedoras with white stripes. I felt like crying.
I just listened to 'The Chordettes' sing 'Mr. Sandman' as a remedy to The Big Pink. You might recall that I felt equally repulsed by The Dirty Projectors. And the same goes for The Drums. They're another band that just appeared and everyone's cumming themselves because they were on a Kitsune compilation album, Morrissey went to their gig and they wear bow ties and shorts and omg they're well fit bbz, but like in a they'd totally break if I bent them over the desk and fucked them lolz are they gay bbz? kind of way
and I am repulsed that I typed that. Text speak should not be used in writing. I tweeted this to Margaret Atwood the other day. This is what she had to say in response:
MargaretAtwood @the_burningboy: Aw...me writing in Textspeak: No worse than Telegraphese, once.. doesn't mean one no longer speaks plain English, eh?
Margaret Atwood should not be text speaking. It's just wrong. Anyway, I'll give some first impressions of bands that I'm supposed to love because I'm a boy and I wear short shorts in a moment.
Midlake: comparisons to Radiohead. As in, good. I will happily listen to this forever.
Beach House: the singer seems a bit whiney. Like...ooh. I sing. And I try to sing like I'm stuck on top of a cloud. I can imagine some girlfriend in her mid-twenties dragging her boyfriend along to this for a spot of ill advised romance. And him looking confused with a beer in hand. I mean, I'm bored of them.
These New Puritans: I heard something from these people a few years ago. They were alright then. They've got worse. Well. Wait. No, worse. Like a cross between System of a Down and the Ting Tings. I like System of a Down. I hate the Ting Tings. Also, the singer has a speech impediment. Lulz. OK. I gave them another shot. This song's alright, but the rest of it is shit. I'm giving them the benefit of the doubt:
(note...these bands probably appeared on my list of bands i'm really fucking keen to see that I posted on here the other day. I'm a hypocrite. Shoot me.)
Everything Everything: quite good. I would enjoy seeing them, at least. I can dance. And that's important. And the man sings in falsetto, which means that he dances. And I like this song, I'm listening to Schoolin'. I'm going to see them. DEDICATION. Here's another song by Everything Everything:
errrrr that's the list for now.
I'm planning on giving short reviews of everyone I end up seeing, more so that I can remember what I did more than anything else. I can never remember everyone I've seen after a few weeks.
I really like Schoolin'
It's going to be a song of the moment.
ps. your feet smell like cheese
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