Wednesday, 6 October 2010


So, I'm a little bit obsessed with Perfume Genius' album, Learning. If you haven't listened to it yet, DO IT NOW. If I knew how to link it on Spotify, I would, but I clearly don't. I am a little bit technologically retarded at the best of times. I'm on my fifth iPod.

I lost the first one.
The second one never woke up.
The third one was dropped from the top of a tall building, wind in my eyes.
I accidentally drowned my last one in Apple Juice. The irony was not lost on me at the time. For lack of wanting to express myself in a better way, I lol'd.

and now I'm poor. I'm actually eating rice every night. no money for lunch. just my iPod, typewriter and lots and lots of bunting for company.
don't tell me I wasted my immense wealth on crap. my gold-winged plastic pig watering can begs to differ.
(give me money?)

god. that's so fucking internet of me.

anyway, I'm back at university now. If you read my blog a fair while ago you may remember that I mentioned dropping out. Well. I didn't. I decided to grow the fuck up and carry on with my life of reading and writing prett looking story books.

and being back, I feel like I have to dive the fuck back into writing on this thing because it's about the only thing that keeps me from working now. And, shit. Work's a drag. Not that I need to tell you that.

All of the freshers have been running around campus. I hate them. I was sat in the piazza-

(Warwick has a piazza. It's like a council estate amphitheatre)

-with my copy of Robinson Crusoe and there were these two guys performing some sort of weird capoeira. Weird in the sense that they'd probably been doing it for about a year and were falling over. But they were doing it for ages, and it was kind of entrancing. I'm stuck on page thirteen of Robinson Crusoe now because I was staring at their awkward contortions for ages

until I got distracted by these freshers who were typically flouting their virginity by talking about their mates who got some 'gash'

so, where has all the beauty gone?

It was raining. I enjoyed the rain. My copy of Robinson Crusoe has crinkled pages, and my iPod ran out of battery (it didn't die, this time) stuck on Perfume Genius' 'You Won't B Here'.

I forgot about it. I went to my lectures, came back home, charged and Perfume came sparkling through the headphones

'they won't be here tomorrow. they won't be here tomorrow.'

an empty piazza. a sky full of rain. a copy of Robinson Crusoe melting in my hands.

imagining the perfect day.

here's 'You Won't B Here'.
It was first posted in 2007. I feel behind the times.

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